Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Top 5 Things Drivers HATE

To begin today’s blog, lets paint a vivid picture of what could, or has, happened during your morning commute.  So, there you are, slowly sipping your morning coffee, the morning dew and the soothing sounds of your favorite band create a cozy safe haven on your way to work.  Your hands are on the wheel, and you’re focused.  Then, out of NOWHERE some (EXPLETIVE) swerves into your lane, causing you to spill your coffee and react swiftly to avoid injury.  In your panic-stricken state, you’ve managed to avoid an accident.  In that moment you look up to watch the person that swerved into your lane speed by, oblivious to what he had just done.  Your keen eyes focus in on him long enough to realize he was updating his Facebook status.  WOW.  In today’s blog, we asked our community for the top 10 things people HATE when they’re driving. 

Tailgaters – people that creep behind closely to your vehicle in a stop and go motion.  Usually they’re in a rush to go nowhere.

Texters – either they’re updating their Facebook status, tweeting, sending a text or writing their monologue; these individuals are causing HUGE accidents.  This can all be avoided by focusing on the commute at hand!

The “no signal when turning lanes” Guy – this person is infuriating.  They change lanes without looking or indicating.  All of this to arrive at a red light with nowhere to go.

Rubberneckers – there’s always that one person that stops an entire highway to gawk at something of interest.  A pretty billboard, a traffic accident, who knows?  Either way they’re ANNOYING and troublesome for those pressed for time.

The Makeup Queen – this young woman (or man for that matter) is applying an entire face of makeup while operating a motor vehicle.  This is a HUGE no no. 

So, do you have any to add?  What really grinds your gears?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Staying AWAKE Behind the Wheel

Hey, Fans.  Here at the dealership, we make your well being a huge factor.  By creating and maintaining a safe environment for you, we give you the chance to feel comfortable in coming to see us for a vehicle.  Any questions regarding vehicle maintenance and safety can be answered quickly and efficiently.  We wish we could be with you every step of the way after your purchase, but we know that most commutes occur alone.  That’s why we’ve compiled some details of staying awake behind the wheel.  We’ve all driven home tired, even when we know we shouldn’t be.  By following these rules, you can avoid turning a bad situation into a catastrophic one.  
  1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep! – Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to good driving habits.  Eight hours is the usual requirement, but almost a third of adults receive less than 6.
  2. Learn and Heed Warning Signs of Fatigue – experiencing wandering thoughts? Yawning repeatedly? Find yourself dosing off periodically?  Take a break and re-adjust yourself.
  3. Drive with a Passenger – if you can, have someone accompany you on the drive home.  That way, you can engage in conversation and avoid dosing off.  
  4. Schedule a Break – on long trips, every 2 hours or every 100 miles, take a break to stretch and catch your bearings before you continue to your destination.
Feel free to add your own tips!

We’ve all driven home tired, even when we know we shouldn’t be.  By following these rules, you can avoid turning a bad situation into a catastrophic one.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Best Automotive Instagram Profiles of 2013

Are you on Instagram?  Yes?  Maybe? No?  Well, for the 100+ million users Instagram has siphoning through its content on a daily basis, you’ve most likely heard of it.  Instagram is a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your life with family and friends via a picture or video.  You’re also able to add filters to your content to transform the look.  In today’s blog, we’re listing the TOP automotive Instagram users.  These individuals eat, sleep and breathe gasoline.  They’re tuned into the latest trends in automotive and provide a bird’s eye view of the automotive landscape.  Check it out:

Vossen Wheels - @vossen

Vossen is the quintessential wheel shop.  They create gorgeous photos with different makes and models accented by their beautiful rims.  It also reveals a unique lifestyle by Vossen employees as they create dynamic videos, prank each other and reveal their undying passion for the automotive industry.

Dave Nickerson - @davenickerson2

Dave Nickerson is a professional photographer of everything automotive.  He’s also an auto aficionado with a passion for high-end cars.  He captures the beauty of vehicles in still shots taken with his iPhone, revealing behind the scene shots from countless photo shoots.

Ken Block - @kblock43

Ken Block is a legend in the automotive competitive circuit.  He’s known for events like the X Games, WRC, Rally America and more. 

Auto Kings - @autokings

Autokings is a crowd-sourced Instagram profile with a wide range of vehicles.  Manufacturers range from Ferrari, to Honda to Jeep with a feeling of random automotive bliss.

Do you have any to add?  Feel free in the comments below!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Have Road Rage? Find Out in Our Quiz

When I was a young boy, I remembered a phrase my mother used to tell me on occasion.  She would begin to speak loudly, pause to look at me and say “earmuffs”.  At that moment, I would press my hands over my ears, drowning out the onslaught of curse words that proceeded to leave her mouth.  The more the vein pulsed on her neck, the more feverishly she would curse. This happened most often in the car when one of two occasions occurred: One, she was cut off by another driver, or two someone did something completely reckless, putting our lives in danger.  Road rage was funny to me then, but since those moments as a child, I’ve come to understand its power.  Do you have road rage?  Find out in a quiz courtesy of Progressive to find out if you fit the bill. 

Yes or No, Do You ...
  1. Overtake other vehicles only on the left?
  2. Avoid blocking passing lanes?
  3. Yield to faster traffic by moving to the right?
  4. Keep to the right as much as possible on narrow streets and at intersections?
  5. Maintain appropriate distance when following other motorists, bicyclists, motorcyclists, etc.?
  6. Provide appropriate distance when cutting in after passing vehicles?
  7. Use headlights in cloudy, rainy, and other low light conditions?
  8. Yield to pedestrians?
  9. Come to a complete stop at stop signs, before right turn on red, etc.?
  10. Stop for red traffic lights?
  11. Approach intersections and pedestrians at slow speeds to show your intention and ability to stop?
  12. Follow right-of-way rules at four-way stops?
  13. Drive below posted speed limits when conditions warrant?
  14. Drive at slower speeds in construction zones?
  15. Maintain speeds appropriate for conditions?
  16. Use vehicle turn signals for all turns and lane changes?
  17. Make eye contact and signal intentions where needed?
  18. Acknowledge intentions of others?
  19. Use your horn sparingly around pedestrians, at night, around hospitals, etc.?
  20. Avoid unnecessary use of highbeam headlights?
  21. Yield and move to the right for emergency vehicles?
  22. Refrain from flashing headlights to signal a desire to pass?
  23. Drive trucks at posted speeds, in the proper lanes, using non-aggressive lane changing?
  24. Make slow, deliberate U-turns?
  25. Maintain proper speeds around roadway crashes?
  26. Avoid returning inappropriate gestures?
  27. Avoid challenging other drivers?
  28. Try to get out of the way of aggressive drivers?
  29. Refrain from momentarily using High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to pass vehicles?
  30. Focus on driving and avoid distracting activities (e.g., smoking, use of a car telephone, reading, shaving)?
  31. Avoid driving when drowsy?
  32. Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane?
  33. Avoid taking more than one parking space?
  34. Avoid parking in a disabled space (if you are not disabled)?
  35. Avoid letting your door hit the car parked next to you?
  36. Avoid stopping in the road to talk with a pedestrian or other driver?
  37. Avoid inflicting loud music on neighboring cars? 
Score Yourself ...

Are you an Aggressive Driver or a Smooth Operator? Answering "No" to more questions means you're a more aggressive driver.
Number of "No" Answers
How You Rate as a Driver